• Awards & Presentations

    EHS Arts Program Honored as a Bravo Award Finalist in 2001

    The BRAVO Award was established by the Music Center Education Division in 1983 to recognize teachers and schools for creativity, innovation and excellence in all of the arts disciplines.

    The Bravo Award honors schools that use the arts to revitalize teaching, enhance academic achievement and foster self-esteem, teamwork and cross-cultural communication and understanding.

    Nominees are reviewed by a committee of educators, artists and arts specialists. The top tier of nominees is determined by a panel of judges which then visits the schools and determines the BRAVO Award winners.

    In 2001, the EHS arts program was named as one of three BRAVO Award finalists, the only elementary school of the three. Our arts faculty continues to work closely with classroom teachers to develop units of study that integrate the arts with academic subjects.