Singapore Math

The Singapore Math curriculum is a progressive and incremental program that helps students build number sense, analytical thinking, and conceptual understanding. Singapore Math helps children master new concepts each school year because they understand the material on a deeper level and build upon prior knowledge. Students are able to explain the reasoning behind what they are doing in mathematical computations.
Singapore Math is taught using the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract progression. Students use manipulatives and other hands-on or physical activities to get a sense for how numbers can be manipulated in the real world. Our scholars then showcase their understanding through visual methods such as bar models or other diagrams. Finally, with this conceptual foundation, students are able to compute mathematical problems through a variety of mathematical strategies.
Singapore Math from Pre-K–Grade 6
Pre-K–1: Students begin their math journey by exploring a variety of concepts having to do with quantities and qualities. These include comparing sizes; finding similarities and differences in objects, including money; and, most importantly, a deep study of the digits 1 through 10. While examining these digits, students manipulate their values using a variation of other digits. These skills are supported by methods that include ten frames, rekenreks, and number bonds. Students eventually move past the number 10 and apply the same concepts and understanding of the base ten number system to numbers through 100 (by the end of first grade). Basic addition and subtraction concepts are also introduced in the beginning levels, always using manipulatives and pictures to represent the math being learned.
2–3: Students continue to explore number systems with a focus on place value while working with numbers through the thousands. They apply their computational skills using place value understandings in order to strengthen their mental math abilities. In this level, students also begin to thoroughly investigate multiplication and division relationships and meanings. They study fraction concepts with a focus on part to whole, directly relating its meaning to number bond concepts previously studied. Although briefly introduced in second grade, students in third grade spend a great deal of time practicing the representation and solving of word problems using pictorial designs known as bar models. We also revisit previously learned concepts, such as measurement, time, and money.
4–6: Students solidify their understanding of place value, basic operations, and factorization. With this solid foundation, scholars begin to explore the patterns and connections between fraction, decimal, and percent operations—not only through instruction, but with hands-on projects and activities. By sixth grade, students are applying what they know to algebraic concepts, which allows them to make broader connections and notice patterns amongst the world of mathematics.
- Echo Horizon School
- Singapore Math