Tuition and Other Fees

  • Tuition

    • Pre-K tuition for the 2025-2026 academic year is $34,240
    • Kindergarten–6th Grade tuition for the 2025-2026 academic year is $41,757
    • A $3,000 non-refundable tuition deposit is due upon enrollment
    • The balance of tuition is due July 1, 2025. Semi-annual and monthly payment plans are available.


    New Student Fee

    A one-time non-refundable $2,000 New Student Fee is due upon enrollment

    Recreation Program

    Our Recreation Program is available to parents who desire either before- or after-school child care. The annual Recreation Program fees for the 2024–2025 academic year are $440 for five days of morning care and $2,670 for five days of after-school care. One, two, three, and four day per-week options are also available, as well as semi-annual and quarterly payment options. All fees are subject to change at the beginning of each academic year.

    Additional Fees

    There are additional required fees for Parent Association dues, and Technology Fees (3rd–6th grades). There are also optional fees that families may choose to incur if their child participates in our hot lunch and Burger Truck Day programs, as well as overnight field trips (5th–6th grades). More information on additional fees is provided prior to the beginning of each academic year.

    Tuition Assistance

    Echo Horizon School is committed to making an Echo Horizon education accessible to students from a range of socioeconomic backgrounds.  In order to accomplish this goal, Echo Horizon School sets aside funds each year to offer a robust Tuition Assistance program and a payment plan to help families who may not be able to meet the full cost of tuition.


    Tuition Assistance funds are allocated after a family has applied for Tuition Assistance and has demonstrated financial need. Funding priority is given to students currently receiving assistance, then to returning students, and finally to newly admitted students. Because funds are limited, not all applicants, regardless of eligibility or need, may receive an award.


  • Doug Gardner

    Director of Finance and Operations 

    If you have any questions regarding the Tuition Assistance program or the new changes for this year, please contact Doug Gardner.