Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Mission and Meaning

  • JUSTICE: In 2018 Echo Horizon School added “J” for “Justice” to the name of our “DEI” program. Justice is the removal and dissolution of systemic barriers. Our goal is to address systemic forms of oppression that may replicate themselves at Echo Horizon, in education, and in our wider community and world. Our Statement of Values represents our commitment to this goal.


    Echo Horizon Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Statement of Values 

    Hatred and racism in all forms are unacceptable and reprehensible. At Echo Horizon School, we will continue to speak out and take action toward racial equity and social justice. Our beautiful diversity is a source of strength, excellence, joy, and creativity. We stand in solidarity with those who have been historically marginalized in our fight for a just and humane world. We celebrate you, we see you, we love you, and we are infinitely better because you are part of our community.



    EQUITY: At Echo Horizon, equity means that everyone gets what they need to achieve their goals! Check out some of our students’ representations of equity:


    JEDI Equity 1JEDI equity 2JEDI equity 3



    DIVERSITY: Diversity refers to the different and unique identities each student, teacher, and family member brings to our community. Click to see some Pre-K celebrations of identity from their spring Colors of Us project:


    JEDI Diversity


    INCLUSION: At Echo Horizon, inclusion has two meanings. First and foremost, full inclusion in our co-enrollment model for d/Deaf and hard of hearing students. It also means that every community member, regardless of identity, can bring their full selves to school and feel included in our space.


     JEDI inclusion 2 World Hearing Day JEDI




    Echo Horizon School is a community that celebrates and honors every unique individual member and the multifaceted experiences that they bring to the school. We believe that embracing our diversity leads to social/emotional and academic excellence. Our curriculum reflects the depth of our commitment to diversity and to a global and multicultural perspective. We actively seek to understand the complex and rich identities of self and others, and to lean into difficult topics related to diversity and inclusion. This pursuit and belief prepares our students to be contributing members of an increasingly diverse and global world.




    The Echo Center began a partnership with UCLA Lab School to mainstream its d/Deaf and hard of hearing students before mainstreaming and inclusion were mandated by federal law. In 1983, Echo Horizon School was created to ensure Echo Center students could experience a full inclusion co-enrollment educational experience. JEDI work is never completed and we have adopted our founders' practice of reflecting on our programming and using what we learn to better live our mission. Inclusion is at the heart of Echo Horizon School’s founding and remains central to our community and an important part of our educational mission.