SCHOOL-WIDE:Thursday 5/14 - PA Coffee with Nominee Confirmations 8:30am (see below for details)
Thursday 5/14 - In-n-Out Day
Wednesday 5/20 - Evening Open House
Friday 5/22 - Noon Dismissal
Wednesday 5/13 - 3rd Grade Arts Showcase – (8:30 am) in the Auditorium
Thursday 5/14 – Field Trip to Children’s Book World (12:30 pm-2:35 pm) The students WILL EAT before leaving.
Friday 5/15 – 3rd and 4th Grade Field Day – Students need a disposable lunch this day (if you ordered hot lunch for this day, Alexis Fingold (aka Hot Lunch Chair) has already notified Fresh Lunches – your child’s meal will be canceled and account credited).
Friday 5/22 – Living Museum (10:30-11:30 am) in the auditorium. NOTE – school has noon dismissal on this day. Parents attend this event and students will wear their full costume.
Wednesday 5/27 – Third Grade Parent Meeting with Martha to answer questions about next year (8:30 am) in the Multipurpose Room
Friday 5/29 -- Overnight Field Trip to the Natural History Museum
PA Coffee - PA Officer Confirmation
- Please join us for a Parents Association coffee on Thursday, May 14 from 8:30 - 9:30am in the auditorium. You will have an opportunity to meet next year's PA officer nominees and confirm their appointment. Nominees are:
- Co-Presidents: Tracey Ayeni, Jennifer Roggenkamp
- Vice President: Marnie Altman
- Secretary: Julie Marsh
- Treasurer: Craig Fingold
Hot Lunch Containers
- Do your kids receive hot lunch or order In-N-Out? Please remember that all kids who are having hot lunch from Fresh Lunches or In-N-Out must bring their recyclable containers from home. Please help keep our school green and eco-friendly!
- Echo Horizon School
- 3rd Grade Room Parent News