Friday, November 22, 2024
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
RSVP by Tuesday, November 12th!
About the event:
It’s that time of year again! We are thrilled to once again welcome the Grandparents and Special Friends of our Echo Horizon community to our campus to celebrate you and your relationships with our Echo Horizon students! Once here, you will have the opportunity to learn about our school, spend some time with your student(s) in their classrooms, enjoy a delicious brunch, participate in many fun activities, and even visit our book fair!
Important Information for All Families
Student Dismissal
Friday, November 22
Regular carpool will not take place this Friday. Students can begin to pack up and depart with their grandparent/ special friend at 11:45 AM. Remaining students will be sent to the Back Gate for dismissal at 12:00 PM.
We appreciate your patience and cooperation as you pick up your child(ren) at theBack Gate on Friday. Thank you!
Event FAQ's
What do I need to bring for event check-in?
Upon arrival, please check in at the registration tables at the school entrance, where you will be greeted by event staff and parent volunteers. All guests are required to present a valid form of ID. Event staff will confirm your name on the guest list, and you will receive a visitor badge to enter campus and enjoy the event.
“My student will not have any Grandparents or Special Friends attending. Will they be included in activities?”
Yes! Everyone will be included in the day’s activities and have an opportunity to make new friends.
“How do we RSVP?”
Please keep in mind that space is limited! Our deadline to accept RSVP's is Tuesday, November 12, 2024.
“We have a big family; how many Grandparents and Special Friends may attend?”
Because of safety and space issues, we are limiting guests to two adults per family. If you have questions or needs around this issue, please email reception@echohorizon.org.
“What is the parking situation like?”
We are hosting a valet service. That said, please remember that we are located in a small, quiet neighborhood, and we encourage you to carpool or use a ride-sharing service.
“This seems like a super-fun day! I’m a parent or guardian, and I would like to volunteer! How do I do that?”
First and foremost, thank you! And you’re right – it is a super fun day! It is also a big undertaking, and we are so grateful for your help.
Click here to sign up to volunteer.
If you have questions about volunteering, please reach out to Karina Patel or Sharon Lee.
More questions? We’re here to help!
Please reach out to the Front Office at reception@echohorizon.org.
- Echo Horizon School
- Grandparents and Special Friends Day